Trash Heroes – dancing towards a cleaner environment

Elämä on täynnä pieniä tekoja, jotka voivat muuttaa maailmaa. Pure Waste ja Trash Heroes ovat kaksi organisaatiota, jotka tekevät juuri niin – pienin, mutta merkityksellisin teoin. Me Pure Waste:lla olemme vastuullinen vaateyritys, joka tuottaa vaatteita 100% kierrätetyistä kuiduista. Trash Heroes puolestaan on yhteisö, joka tavoittelee parempaa ja puhtaampaa kaupunkia tanssien, pyöräillen ja roskia keräten. Yhdessä me muodostamme voimakkaan liiton, jonka missiona on luoda parempi maailma meille kaikille.

Trash Heroes_ Panu

At Pure Waste, we are committed to creating a more sustainable future. But our work is more comprehensive than clothing because a sustainable future requires sustainable choices. Collaboration with other environmentally friendly organisations is one of our most important actions to promote sustainability.

Trash Heroes is an art project by three friends. Their ideology is based on a simple idea: everyone can contribute to the well-being of their local environment through their actions. Trash Heroes suggests - bike, choose an area, collect your rubbish, have a party in the beauty of a cleaned-up area and dance. Keep going. These have been their pillars since the beginning.

Trash Heroes street parties are unique. Their sound and technical equipment is 100% solar powered, which means they can hold parties almost anywhere - on the beach, in the park, in the courtyard or on a street corner. Trash Heroes aims to promote green transport and reduce carbon emissions. They travel between cities for gigs by public transport or biogas-powered cars with their bikes on a trailer and make their way around town with their tuned-up cargo bikes.

They have shown that dancing and partying are not obstacles to environmental protection but actions to promote it. Their actions, ideology and values - such as picking up trash before the party starts - have shown that we should all strive to be like Trash Heroes.

Panu Varstala sparked the idea for Trash Heroes in December 2014 through a Facebook post, where he wondered if the best summer job would be to ride a bike, collect rubbish and dance in parks. Antti Lahti responded to the post, and the whole thing soon took off. The first gig was at the Jyväskylä Summer Festival 2015.

Varstala is a dancer-choreographer, musician, class teacher, TRE and Kiskoteka instructor. She is currently working in the National Theatre's production Pentti Linkola - kaltaisemme? The other members of Trash Heroes are dancer-choreographer, the upcoming director of Kuopio City Theatre and DJ Antti Lahti and musician Joakim Berghäll, who is performing this summer, e.g. with Ismo Alanko. The trio's versatile artistic and environmentally friendly work has been noticed on all continents.

"Trash Heroes has also been working with businesses since the beginning. In particular, we have sought to support domestic operators whose principles include sustainability, ecology, recycling and original supreme content. Pure Waste's great clothes have been with us daily and at our gigs for several years. With them on, we propose - let's take care of each other and the environment. Ride on!" 

(Panu / Trash Heroes)

In June 2023, on World Environment Day, Trash Heroes released Trash Heroes Anthem together with Paleface and Tommy Lindgren, both musician and artist friends. The Anthem is dedicated to all trash collectors and those working towards a more sustainable future.

Our collaboration between Pure Waste and Trash Heroes started naturally based on our shared values. We both share a strong commitment to the environment, sustainability and community. Our collaboration has been rewarding, and we are proud to support their work for common causes. Like Trash Heroes, we at Pure Waste believe that each of us has a unique and important part to play in building a more sustainable and welcoming world.

Ride on!

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Some (FB & IG): @trashheroes